The laboratory
Have you ever wondered where the car was built? Here some snapshots of the laboratory where it happened. Clelio is working on this set that will be used for the intro. It’s still a work in progress.
Have you ever wondered where the car was built? Here some snapshots of the laboratory where it happened. Clelio is working on this set that will be used for the intro. It’s still a work in progress.
So, while I’m struggling on catching the bug on player car (well, to tell the truth I’m almost done, but this is another story) Clelio is working on animating the Scorpio car. Here a work in progress capture.
During the Svilupparty and the GameOver events we had the occasion of watching real people playing the game prototype , this manner we got a lot of suggestions from them and from other developers too. We will take seriously in […]
Clelio has built up a new website where he logs his work, that is modeling new objects for FFX Runner and other games. The graphic style of pages is heavily inspired to the good old terminal screens because he loves […]
Here a new enemy vehicle from Clelio. The idea for this model has come as a joke while talking on FB and commenting some photos oa a strange “cyber-punk byke”. After a few days Clelio has come with this model […]
Welcome back and a happy new year everybody! Past the christmas holiday we are back on work on the game, well, to tell the truth we never really stopped. Here the model Clelio produced in this period, it will have […]
Animation of the Disk is pretty simple but it’s very strong.
The disk is one of the fixed defensive structures in the machine’s hell dimension, it is CNC like structure with a lethal sawing disk as its operational tool. This model features a quite complex rig involving inverse kinematic.
Ladies and Gentleman, I’m pleased to introduce you… the Jaw!!! and here below, as usual, the wireframe view. This little boy was modelled inside Maya and painted with the “old good” 3D-Coat.
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